Come and watch the results of this most important mid-term election on November 2nd together with other members of Democrats Abroad at Max and Moritz Restaurant.
- We have reserved the upstairs for the evening and will watch the results on a big projection screen and on TV.
- We invite you to bring your Laptops for the purpose of surfing the mid-terms.
- We will install a Web Cam to connect with the other election night partys of Democrats Abroad.
- Good .food, good drinks and good people to share victory and defeat with.
- Bring your friends and watch the excitement together with Democrats Abroad Berlin.
Indiana Most 11 a.m., some 12 a.m.*
Kentucky Some 11 a.m., some 12 a.m.*
Florida Most 12 a.m., some 1 a.m.*
Georgia 12 a.m.
South Carolina 12 a.m.
Vermont 12 a.m.
Virginia 12 a.m.
New Hampshire Most 12 a.m., some 12:30 and 1 a.m.**
North Carolina 12:30 a.m.
Ohio 12:30 a.m.
West Virginia 12:30a.m.
Tennessee Most 1 a.m., some 12 a.m.*
Alabama 1 a.m.
Connecticut 1 a.m.
Delaware 1 a.m.
District of Columbia 1 a.m.
Illinois 1 a.m.
Maryland 1 a.m.
Massachusetts 1 a.m.
Michigan 1 a.m.
Mississippi 1 a.m.
Missouri 1 a.m.
New Jersey 1 a.m.
Oklahoma 1 a.m.
Pennsylvania 1 a.m.
Texas 1 a.m.
Arkansas 1:30 a.m.
Kansas Most 1 a.m., some 2 a.m.*
North Dakota Most 1 a.m., some 2 a.m.*
South Dakota Some 1 a.m., some 2 a.m.*
Arizona 3 a.m.
Colorado 2 a.m.
Louisiana 2 a.m.
Maine 2 a.m.
Minnesota 2 a.m.
New Mexico 2 a.m.
New York 2 a.m.
Rhode Island 2 a.m.
Wisconsin 2 a.m.
Wyoming 2 a.m.
Nebraska Most 2 a.m., some 3 a.m.*
Idaho 3 a.m.
Iowa 3 a.m.
Montana 3 a.m.
Nevada 3 a.m.
Utah 3 a.m.
California 4 a.m.
Hawaii 5 a.m.
Oregon 4 a.m.
Washington 4 a.m.
Alaska 5 a.m.