Bill Downey, the founding chair of Democrats Abroad in Berlin, Germany writes (12th of August, 2009):

Many people who are in favor of health reform are not clear about  what the president is seeking and what is contained in the bills that are before congress. This confusion plays into the hands of those who are opposed to the reforms and especially to those who are using scare tactics to frighten people into opposing the reforms

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American Voices Abroad Berlin has put out an excellent document comparing healthcare in Germany with healthcare in the US:

Question: Why should we as Americans consider features of the German system in crafting our own health care reform?

In planning our own public health care system, we should investigate the strengths and weaknesses of many other systems. We can then choose the best of some of them and avoid the pitfalls of others.

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A member of Democrats Abroad Canada in Vancouver made a short video documentary of two American women in Vancouver, BC, who can't go home, because the healthcare system in the US won't let them:

"Can't Go Home"