Max und Moritz Restaurant was the scene of the Voting Center of the Berlin chapter of Democrats Abroad.  Super Tuesday, the 5th of February was the first of two nights.  More that 250 Americans came to visit and gather until the wee hours of the morning to watch the results of the Caucuses and Primaries. 192 votes were cast.  On the second night, Saturday, the 9th of February we had a turnout of 125 people with 96 Americans putting the name of their favorite candidate into the specially designed ballot box.  Nancy Green announced the results of the Voting Center that night.


Tuesday, February 5th  (Super Tuesday)


    regular ballots    35

    provisional           5

                               Total           40

    regular ballots    122

    provisional           28

                                Total        150

    regular ballots       2

                                Total            2

                                     Tuesday total number of votes      192


Saturday, February 9th


    regular ballots     24

    provisional          1

                            Total            25



    regular ballots    56
    provisional         15

                            Total            71

                                    Saturday total number of votes      96  


 Total number of votes for Berlin Global Presidential Primary                     288  

The Donkey on the Brandenburg Gate was the theme of our voting box.  It was designed by Nancy Green and Karen Axelrad.  By pulling on a string under the Donkey each voter could make the donkey kick.  "Kicking Ass" was the most photographed object at the Voting Center and even made the LA Times.  We hope that Nancy Green, the manager of our Voting Center wins the first prize from John McQueen of the Wednesday Wire for having the
best voting box of the Voting Centers of Democrats Äbroad Germany.

Great pictures of the the Voting Center were taken by Karen Axelrad.  You can see them on: