Nancy Green, Chair-Democrats Abroad Berlin Photo 2011 © Karen Axelrad
It all starts on Sunday, the 3rd of July at 12:30 and will go until 5:30 PM (Setup starts at 11:30 AM) To help with advance preparation please contact Nancy Green
For members, friends and family. American Voices Abroad Berlin as well as Bridge Builders Berlin are participating in this event. Bring food and drink for yourselves and to share. A small butane grill will be available. Charcoal grills are not allowed.
Location is Tempelhof Airfield – Entrance Columbia Damm (see map below). Look for the colorful tent and the banners of Democrats Abroad
Lots of activities planned:
Cherrypit spitting contest,
Kiteflying – New Obama-Kite
Political Quiz
If you would like to help us set up and/or break down please contact Nancy Green: . The recently opened airfield is a great place to ride bikes, fly kites, skate, throw a Frisbee or set up games.
It was a lot of fun last year. Looking forward to it.
The weather outside is frightening! But we will be steadfast! Come warm with rain gear and let’s celebrate!