Join us for the monthly meeting of Democrats Abroad Berlin at on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at 7:30pm. As always, you’ll find us upstairs at Max & Moritz in Kreuzberg (Oranienstr 162, 10969 Berlin)
It’s not required, but you can help out by RSVPing and sharing the event on Facebook or Meetup.
This month’s meeting will also include a discussion on FATCA, which affects many Americans living abroad:
Like it or not, the Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Report of Foreign Banks and Financial Accounts (FBAR) are here. There have been substantial changes to the nature and scope of tax reporting requirements for Americans living overseas, as well as changes to the obligations of foreign financial institutions with respect to American account holders. Many argue that this new legislation is wreaking havoc in the lives or ordinary Americans living overseas by creating cumbersome tax filing requirements and even prompting foreign financial institutions to deny services to American altogether.
As a response, Democrats Abroad has created a FBAR/FATCA Taskforce and has teamed with other organizations to create a ‘Door Knock’ campaign. The aim of this campaign is to collect documentation demonstrating the unintended consequences of FATCA and to push Washington for change.
Some additional resources