Join Democrats Abroad Berlin for our November monthly meeting at 7:30pm on November 1, 2016, the last meeting before the election!
What willl it mean to move forward with a new president? How much depend on Congressional, state, and local races? What if Democrats do or do not take the U.S. Senate (or the House of Representatives)? What are the fundamental changes in the nation, the electorate, and the Democratic party happening right now?
Let’s discuss these questions and think about the future.
As always, you’ll find us upstairs at Max & Moritz in Kreuzberg on Oranienstr. 162, 10969 Berlin
– Agenda –
7:30pm Welcome, introductions, chapter news
7:45pm Election Night Party updates
8:00pm Discussion topic: Forward to a New President
8:20pm Upcoming events
8:30pm Member announcements
8:45pm Mingle, phone banking & voter support
Looking forward to seeing you there!