Democrats Abroad Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) Region announces Six Delegates to the Democratic National Convention
Washington, DC Today: Democrats Abroad announced the delegate election results of the organization's Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) Regional Caucus, which took place March 15-16 in Brussels.
The elected delegates represent a diverse community, including an African American living in South Africa, a member of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) community living in the Netherlands, a Native American living in Germany and an Arab American living in Lebanon. Click here to read more. Pressrelease in German – Presserklärung auf Deutsch (Translation by Gerry Gerber)

The four elected Obama Delegates
David Munir Nabti, an American living abroad in Lebanon
Shari Temple, an American living abroad in Germany
Monica Faith Stewart, an American living abroad in South Africa
Robert Bragar, an American living abroad in the Netherlands

The two elected Clinton Delegates
Margo Miller, an American living abroad in the United Kingdom
Allin "Chip" Seward, an American living abroad in France