This Tuesday, January 29, 2019, beginning at 7:30pm at Begegnungsstätte Falckensteinstraße, the Berlin chapter of Democrats Abroad Germany will hold elections for the chapter board.

This is the first time our chapter will directly elect board positions beyond chapter chair, so we hope to see as many of you as possible! Be part of making Democrats Abroad more democratic, right here in our own backyard. The five leadership positions up for election are

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Communications and Press Officer
  • Volunteer and Membership Coordinator
  • and GOTV (Get Out The Vote) Coordinator

You can read the statements from the current slate candidates our website.

Candidate nominations can also be made from the floor at the election meeting, if supported by a second from among the membership. For more details about the election process and descriptions of the positions being elected, visit the 2019 Berlin Chapter Elections page.

If you have any questions about the election, the positions, or the process, please do not hesitate to get in touch:

Annual General Meeting in Heidelberg

Democrats Abroad Germany is hosting its 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Heidelberg the last weekend in February (Feb 22-24). We encourage members in Berlin to attend. Come network with other Americans from across Germany, be part of the discussion on the future of Democrats Abroad Germany, and vote on (or run for!) national leadership positions.

Help Democrats Abroad telling our taxation stories!

Democrats Abroad is currently conducting the 2019 Non-Resident Taxation Research Project. The taxation task force wants to hear from you to support efforts to persuade Congress to reform taxation laws and provide us with relief.

  • All questions are optional
  • No names, emails, or personal identification requested or required
  • Information gathered will be used to lobby Congress and federal government regulators and to illustrate the financial burden Americans abroad endure complying with the tax, banking, securities, and other laws that discriminate against us.
  • ►Take the survey by midnight (U.S. EST) on Sunday, February 3, 2019

Upcoming Events

2019 Berlin Chapter Elections – Democrats Abroad Berlin

Tue. Jan 29, 2019, 7:30-10pm
Begegnungsstätte Falckensteinstraße, Falckensteinstraße 6, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U1 Schlesisches Tor, Bus 165/265)
RSVP | Facebook | Positions | Election Rules

2019 Annual General Meeting (Democrats Abroad Germany)

Fri Feb 22 – Sun Feb 24, 2019
Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Hauptstraße 120, Heidelberg 69117
Register | Details | Facebook