Our mission
Dems in Berlin is the Berlin chapter of Democrats Abroad (DA), which is the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. We work to advance the principles of our party by spreading the Democratic message to US voters in and around Berlin and encouraging them to vote for Democratic candidates back home.
Our history and structure
The Berlin chapter of Democrats Abroad Germany was founded by Bill Downey and Jerry Gerber in 1997. Since then, we have grown into a volunteer-based grassroots political movement in Berlin with thousands of members. You’re welcome to join us and support Democratic ideas in Berlin and beyond!
We are organized in different caucuses focusing on pressing political issues:
- Women
- Youth
- Young Democrats (learn more on their Facebook page)
Our board
Theresa Gasinski
Get-Out-the-Vote Coordinator
Ebony Bühler
Volunteer & Membership Coordinator