Democrats Abroad Berlin worked hard this past year to mobilize Americans across the German capital to vote in the 2020 Global Presidential Primary as well as the U.S. General Election. We wanted a Democratic House, Senate, and Presidency – and we won all three!
Our goal was to reach the 22,000 U.S. citizens living in Berlin; we knew that every vote would be needed. It was only possible thanks to over 100 local volunteers. A huge shout-out to everyone who made it possible!
►Read our 2020 recap for more on the Berlin chapter’s accomplishments over the last year.
On Wednesday January 20, 2021, join us for Post-Inauguration Pub Night to celebrate the incoming Biden-Harris administration. It’ll be a low-key event to reconnect with other members online.
Our first official chapter meeting of 2021 will take place on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. ►RSVP & mark your calendars!
It’s also time for elections for the Berlin chapter: on Wednesday, February 17, 2021, Democrats Abroad Berlin will hold elections to fill five chapter leadership positions for two-year terms.
Berlin Chapter Elections
Wed. Feb 17, 2021, 7pm
Online (RSVP for Zoom access)
RSVP | Facebook | Election Info
Democrats Abroad Berlin is a 100% volunteer organization lead by a chapter board elected every two years.
The Berlin chapter of Democrats Abroad will hold an election for the following positions: Chapter Chair, Vice Chair, Press and Communications Officer, Membership and Volunteer Coordinator, and a Get Out The Vote Coordinator.
If you have questions about running for a leadership position, contact us at
Please save the date and encourage other Americans in Berlin to come: we would like to have a large and democratic voter turnout to elect our new leaders.
Upcoming Events
Post-Inauguration Political Pub Night
Wed. Jan 20, 2021, 7pm
Online (Zoom)
RSVP for access info | Share on Facebook
February Chapter Meeting
Tue. Feb 2, 2021, 7:30-8:30pm
Online (Webex)
RSVP for access info | Share on Facebook
Berlin Chapter Elections
Wed. Feb 17, 2021, 7pm
Online (Zoom)
RSVP | Positions | Election Info | Facebook