The Berlin Chapter of Democrats Abroad Germany will hold the election for our new chapter chair on February 5th, 2013.  The Election will be held at Max und Moritz (upstairs) starting at 7:30 pm.

Notification of Nomination 

According to Rules for the Election of Democrats Abroad Germany Chapter Chairs

 As of 14 days prior to the election, there has been one candidacy statement communicated to the Chair by David L. Knutson.   

Candidacy for the Position of Chair for the Berlin Chapter of Democrats Abroad Germany

As a proud Democrat I hereby declare my candidacy for the position of Democrats Abroad Berlin Chapter Chair.

Having been a member of the Berlin Chapter of Democrats Abroad for many years I also have experience in leading other organizations in the Community.  I am Chair of Initiative Berlin-USA e.V. (IBUSA), am on the board for Netzwerk Amerika Haus Berlin, and also head another local group (BridgeBuildersBerlin) which was essential in helping to bring NPR to our city.

Over the years I have seen the chapter grow under the successful direction of Michael Steltzer and Nancy Green, and believe that to keep the chapter improving and developing after this enormous growth we must make some organizational changes. In the last meeting of DAG-Berlin on December 4, 2012 some of the Young Dems and I presented a motion representing how we believe the Berlin Chapter should be organized in the future using the existing bylaws of Democrats Abroad.  This motion was passed and contained suggestions for delegated positions similar to the DAG At-Large positions.  I would follow these suggestions by appointment or by elections for each local position. 

Along with Jessica Maluch as Vice Chair I believe we can build a strong and successful local Berlin Executive Board to guide DA Berlin into the future. We believe that we need to concentrate on that which is important to us as a Chapter and also support those local members who want to take an active role nationally or internationally in Democrats Abroad and its platform.

David L. Knutson

The following is an excerpt regarding nominations from the Rules on Chapter Chair Elections 
Article 5, Section C, i

Any member of the relevant chapter may be nominated or may self-nominate without a second for the position of Chapter Chair so long as the nomination or self-nomination is made no later than 14 days prior to the election date.  Nominations may also be made from the floor at the election, if supported by a second from among the membership.  Persons nominated must agree to the nomination to be an eligible candidate.  Only persons nominated in accordance with the procedure set out above shall be eligible for election.

Chapter Chair Elections Rules can be accessed at:    

Link to the basic responsibilities for a Chapter Chair: 

Democrats Abroad Germany By-Laws can be accessed at:


Nancy Green

Chair   Berlin Chapter  Democrats Abroad Germany