We’ve mentioned at recent meetings and other events that we’re hoping to create a location in Berlin that would be our temporary headquarters during the 2020 election year. We want it to be a central location where you can come to get and give help with voting from abroad, where volunteers can gather to call overseas voters, and a physical space for our organization and community.

While we’ve been doing research and getting in touch with potential locations, we still need your help in finding a place. We’ll also need your support, both in time and financial, to keep it running throughout the year. Do you know of a space that might be available next year?

Check out what we’re looking for in a location:

  • Available for at least 6 months (May through October) – if something is available earlier and not too expensive, earlier would be great too!
  • Central, accessible location – near at least 2 transit lines, convenient for voters to stop by on their way to somewhere else, easy for volunteers to get to and find
  • Access on nights and weekends  – mostly in use evenings and weekends, other times would be a bonus. Happy to share with companies/groups who only use during the day
  • Solid internet connection – really important for when multiple volunteers are making internet phone calls to voters.
  • Room for 4-6 people at desks – Ideal if 5-10 people can be in there in other configurations, access to separate meeting room would also be great
  • Storage (limited) – we’d like  to be able to leave our basic literature there so it is always on hand

Got a lead for us? Email board@demsinberlin.de with your ideas and suggestions!